Apple to Clean Out Bose & Fitbit from Stores

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It appears that Fitbit is having a ‘bit’ of a falling out with Apple. The fitness tracker won’t be integrating with Apple’s Healthkit, and doesn’t exactly have any plans to. Now, it appears that Apple is taking their new role as wearable product maker even more seriously.


Fitbit Flex. Source: Fitbit.

Fitbit Flex. Source: Fitbit.


As first reported by unnamed sources at re/code, Apple will be pulling Fitbit from both its online stores and physical locations, presumably to steer consumers away from competing wearables and towards the soon to be released Apple Watch. However, Apple’s stores also carry other competing wearables from companies like Jawbone and Nike, so it is still unclear as to whether Apple will pull these as well. These companies have decided to integrate with Healthkit, something that Fitbit won’t be doing for now, which could be the cause of the rift between the Apple and Fitbit.


Additionally, now that Apple bought out the wildly successful Beats by Dre, they are removing Bose headphones from their online store, and potentially from the brick-and-mortar stores as well. Despite the long years of having Bose headphones featured in Apple stores along with iPods and iPhones, the two companies have now become rivals, and heated ones at that. Bose recently penned a lucrative deal with the NFL, causing any player seen on the sidelines with Beats to be fined a hefty $10,000, much to the chagrin of players and Apple.


Above all, it seems that Apple is taking this very newly acquired role as wearable product maker seriously, and doesn’t plan on waiting around to let competitors take consumers away from the Apple product line. What a fascinating change for a company that started out selling niche desktop computers.


Image Source: Apple.

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Tags: Activity Trackers, Bands, Bluetooth Earbuds, Bluetooth Headphones, Calorie Tracker, Fashion Wearables, Fitness Band, Fitness Wearables, Headphones, Headphones for Running, Health Wearables, Kids Headphones, Noise Cancelling Headphones, Sleep Tracker, Smartwatches, Step Tracker, Waterproof Headphones, Wireless Headphones, Workout Headphones


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