Apple’s WatchKit SDK For Apple Watch Apps

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With Apple‘s soon to be released Apple Watch it is to no surprise that Apple released the SDK for the watch in November. This is great news for software developers interested in making apps before Apple Watch is released. Inside this software development kit, developers can create innovative apps, notifications, and Glances – timely information accessible by a quick look:


WatchKit Apps, Glances, and Notifications. Source: Apple.

WatchKit Apps, Glances, and Notifications. Source: Apple.


Developers can create watch apps that users can interact with directly from the watch and utilize full user interface. The American Airlines watch app reminds the user when it’s time to leave for the airport as well as notifying you when boarding begins if you’re not at the gate yet. ‘Glances’ provide users with quick bits of information like a score update from a football game.


The action notifications alert users and enable them to interact via the watch. Notifications that require action have already been developed for Apple Watch; such as, turning off the lights after they left their house, rerouting transit options after missing the bus or train, and accessing flight details. Apple Watch even allows users to interact with Instagram instantly. actionable notifications allow users to quickly view and like photos as well as keep up to date with friends’ latest photos, and follow new accounts.


The iOS 8.2 SDK beta including the WatchKit is available for all iOS Developer Program members. There Apple provides provides human interface guidelines, templates, programming guides, and more.

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Tags: Apps, Bluetooth Watches, Digital Watches, Health Wearables, iOS Smartwatches, Smartwatches


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