The Apple Watch outperforms Google’s entire year, despite “low interest”

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On April 10th, the morning of the Apple Watch pre-order event, Business Insider (BI) published an article stating “people are less interested in the Apple Watch than anything the company has launched before.”

Author Mike Bird went on to point readers to search data, demonstrating that the excitement surrounding the Apple Watch was but a nearly immeasurable fraction of the excitement that surrounded the iPhone 6 launch.

On that same morning, Apple stock was even downgraded by analysts at Raymond Jones. “Early reviews of the Apple watch suggest it will fall far short of the ‘insanely great’ benchmark, at least in its first iteration,” analyst Travis McCourt wrote in a note to BI.

But once the Apple Watch launch day came and went, more analysts had the opportunity to look at sales numbers. As we previously reported, Slice Intelligence used e-receipt data to estimate around 957,000 people pre-ordered the watch in the U.S. alone. Now, this figure may be small-fry in comparison to the amount of iPhone units moved with every release, but it still squelched Google’s overall performance.

In short: Apple sold more Apple Watches in one day than the number of Android Wear smartwatches sold in an entire year. Over the entirety of 2014, manufacturers using Google’s smartwatch operating system sold 720,000 units. Yes, this includes Motorola, LG and Samsung’s devices.

So, while interest in the Apple Watch may be minimal when compared to the behemoth smartphone market (Android manufacturers shipped 1 billion smartphones in 2014), Apple ended up taking home an enormous victory on April 10th: In just one paltry day, the company vastly, deeply and greatly out-performed every single competitor in the smartwatch space. And that’s nothing to be disappointed by. 

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Tags: android wear, apple watch, Featured Items, google, smartwatch, Smartwatches


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